Two guys making portfolio careers as fractionals talk about modern work and the fractional career path. Catch interviews with other fractionals and startup execs who work with them.
Taylor Crane, Founder fractionaljobs.io: Fractional gives you freedom, pricing fractional, and fractional vs. layoffs
Joshua Wold and Lance Robbins
Episode 50
Hard to believe we're 50 episodes in already! Thank you for our fantastic listeners and to all of our amazing guests.
On this week's episode we dove in with Taylor Crane, of fractionaljobs.io, and talked about a number of amazing topics related to being a fractional.
- Being a technical versus non-technical founder
- Fractionals in early stage versus later stage startups
- Taylor's definition of fractional and the current market
- Matching fractionals to companies
- Fractional in the world of mass layoffs
- How fractional levels of the playing field with power dynamics
- Compensation expectations for fractionals
Links for Taylor that we referenced:
- https://www.fractionaljobs.io
- https://www.fractionaljobs.io/blog/what-is-fractional-work
- https://www.fractionaljobs.io/blog/how-much-money-can-i-make-as-a-fractional-employee
- https://www.linkedin.com/posts/taylorcrane_how-much-do-fractional-employees-make-activity-7168359685547286528-mLMc?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
Episode edited by Caleb Johnson / Embrin.com
Edited by Caleb Johnson @ Embrin.com